Recovery Canada operates with funding from Free-Will Offering at Meetings and the Membership Donations. We pay Recovery International 25% of all Free-Will offerings as a Royalty for Dr. Low's Teachings. Since 2017 our Free-Will Offerings before the Royalty is deducted have dropped almost 50% caused by fewer groups, attendance and amount of donations. Therefore the membership donations we make are even more important. As a result of this we have raised the membership donation to $35 per year as the amount has not been changed in over 20 years!
For the survival of Recovery Canada please support our cause through membership donation and Endorse for being a member.
When you join Recovery Canada, you join a non-profit organization representing a network of people who see the value in our self-help programs and the need to bring them to as many people as possible. Whether the Recovery Method has touched your life or the life of someone you care about, or if you just believe in creating a better world, your membership demonstrates your personal belief in changing lives.
Sign up for a membership today by filling out the forms below and then pressing Submit. You can then click on Donate which leads to a PayPal page for the membership fees.
Please note: A membership in Recovery Canada entitles you to membership in Recovery International, allows you to participate in the assigned Telephone Meetings, and is required to be a leader in the organization.You do not have to be a member to attend meetings but we encourage people who attend meetings to join as the funds help support the meetings held in Canada.